Laugh it off! Whaddya gonna do? Episode 19
Simply EnoughMay 31, 202200:47:1832.5 MB

Laugh it off! Whaddya gonna do? Episode 19

Have you ever thought you'd "die from embarrassment", so you opted out of a moment? It's the power we put on our belief of what embarrassment is that keeps us hamstrung from doing anything. Instead, laugh about it, learn from it, and enjoy it! Let's not take ourselves too seriously, and let's live every moment in the moment, and recognize the moment passes. Find laughter, knowing that life is to be lived, not avoided! 

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enoughness, forgiveness, resentment, peace, gift, closure, LGBTQ+, queer, teachers, moms, physicians, impostor, arrival, identity, persons of color, POC, sexuality, minority, immigrant, parents, parent, diversity, equity, inclusion, school leaders,administration, joy, discomfort, service,worthlessness,fear,happiness,best self,worth,abstract,not enough,less than,period,attractive,simplyenough,failure,linnert,ignacio,purpose,practice of joy,connect,colony,penguins,morethanokay,