When Things Feel Complicated, Episode 69
Simply EnoughJune 13, 202300:39:1026.91 MB

When Things Feel Complicated, Episode 69

Have you ever felt uncomfortable because of mixed emotions, or even conflicting emotions? We rarely feel one thing at a time. You don’t have to choose, push away or talk yourself out of either one emotion or the other. They can exist as a “both” and an “and”! Allow the coexistence of the emotions. In fact, one emotion is likely because of the existence of the other and is often potentiated because of it! Name the emotions, because the subtle nuances of the emotions, once recognized, allow for self regulation. And in relationships, it’s actually something somewhere in the complexity that allows us to find at least one thing that we connect and share in the human experience. While we are multifaceted individuals with complex emotions, concurrently we are simply enough, just as we are.

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Feelings, complicated feelings, moving, stress, labels, complex feelings, permission, Podcast, enoughness, Linnert, Ignacio, simply enough, forgiveness, resentment, peace, gift, closure, LGBTQ+, queer, teachers, moms, physicians, impostor, arrival, identi,